Mastering the Art of Pushing Code from VS Code to GitHub: A Step-by-Step Guide


After making modifications to your code in Visual Studio Code (VS Code), you'll need to push those changes back to your GitHub repository. 

This article will guide you through the process of pushing your code from VS Code to GitHub, ensuring that your updates are successfully reflected in your repository.

Step 1: Stage Your Changes:

Before pushing your changes, you need to stage the files you want to include in the commit. Follow these steps:

Launch VS Code and open your project.

In the Source Control view (usually located in the left sidebar), you'll see a list of modified files.

Click on the "+" icon next to each file you want to include in the commit. This stages the changes for commit.

Step 2: Commit Your Changes:

After staging your changes, you'll need to commit them with a descriptive message. Follow these instructions:

In the Source Control view, you'll see a text box labeled "Message" at the top.

Enter a concise and meaningful commit message that describes the changes you made.

Press Ctrl+Enter (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Enter (Mac) to commit the changes.

Step 3: Push Your Changes to GitHub:

Once you've committed your changes locally, it's time to push them to your GitHub repository. Here's what you need to do:

In the Source Control view, look for the ellipsis (...) button at the top-right corner and click on it.

From the dropdown menu, select "Push" to initiate the push operation.
If prompted, enter your GitHub username and password, or use a Personal Access Token (PAT) for authentication. This ensures a secure connection between VS Code and your GitHub account.

VS Code will now push your committed changes to your GitHub repository.

Step 4: Verify Your Changes on GitHub:

After pushing your changes, it's essential to verify that they have been successfully updated in your GitHub repository. Follow these steps to confirm:

Open a web browser and navigate to your GitHub repository.

Browse the repository's files or select the appropriate branch to view your changes.

Check that the modified files reflect the updates you made in VS Code.


Pushing your code changes from VS Code to GitHub is a crucial step in maintaining an up-to-date repository. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your modifications are successfully pushed and reflected in your GitHub repository.


- Onyido Okwudili

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